
The most powerful men on Earth meet and are ready to shoot. “They” is a work composed by 8 prints on paper which represent the G7 members, plus Erdogan, ready to shoot each other. This is the mainstream tale of the war: the clash among States. When people enter the room where the artwork is installed, they understand that the message is different: the space dimension explains very well that the real victims are the viewers, at the centre of a firefight, as well as of the artwork. It is the concretisation of the “tall” and “short” in Laclau’s concept. Thus the artwork creates an action of true vision. The mighty of the Earth don’t like being associated to weapons and violence, they are rather seen as builders of peace and alliances. Weapons are instead associated to soldiers and to civiians, who are subject to them. In reality “They”, the most powerful people, are those who pull the imaginary trigger of Power, so the artwork shows a truer reality than the one shown by the media.

8 print on dibond 100 cm x 70 cm
I latitanti sono loro
Casa vuota
dall'11 September al 31 october

mattarellaMattarella, i latitanti sono loro, Casa vuota, Roma

Angela Merkel, i latitanti sono loro, Casa vuota, Roma

Trump, i latitanti sono loro, Casa vuota, Roma

Thus the artwork creates an action of true vision. The mighty of the Earth don’t like being associated to weapons and violence, they are rather seen as builders of peace and alliances. Weapons are instead associated to soldiers and to civiians, who are subject to them. In reality “They”, the most powerful people, are those who pull the imaginary trigger of Power, so the artwork shows a truer reality than the one shown by the media.

Regina Elisabetta, i latitanti sono loro, Casa vuota, Roma

Loro, i latitanti sono loro, Casa vuota, Roma

Loro, i latitanti sono loro, Casa vuota, Roma

Putin, i latitanti sono loro, Casa vuota, Roma

Rajoy, i latitanti sono loro, Casa vuota, Roma