10 women of 20th century philosophy
The existence of women in philosophy is a fact, but Its removal is equally so. Ten female philosophers from the last hundred years, fundamental to world thought and to the interpretation of our time, are the protagonists of Filippo Riniolo’s new exhibition. Philosophy, like many other disciplines, has been exclusively male for thousands and thousands of years, although there are many exceptions of women who have contributed to thought in the past. The 20th century, however, has fortunately seen the irruption of women into the highest ranks of academia and philosophy, with decisive contributions.
- Size:
- 10 icones 100 x 60 x 3 cm
- Tecnica:
- Icons on panel, egg tempera and gold leaf
- Credits:
- traffic Gallery, Bergamo
Angela Davis, icona su tavola, tempera e foglia oro, 100 x 60 x 3 cm
Their figure was sometimes crushed by men who had some form of relationship with them, just think of Hanna Arendt and her relationship with Martin Heidegger. Although the love was mutual, no one ever dreamed of describing Martin Heidegger as Arendt’s lover.
Many women philosophers have not found enough space in the collective imagination for one reason only: because they are women and the imagination of the philosopher is still terribly masculine.
Carla Lonzi, icona su tavola, tempera e foglia oro, 100 x 60 x 3 cm
In this exhibition, the choice is to give space to women, exclusively to women through the production of what is meant by the word ICON. An icon is a corpus of signs and symbols that make an image recognisable beyond mimesis, such as a Madonna or a medieval saint. In fact, it is the symbols that make such figures recognisable, not the somatic features. The body is and remains transfigured. Filippo Riniolo wishes to make his contribution by transforming these philosophers into ICONS, into paintings on wooden boards, capable of crystallising their images beyond the somatic features of each one.
Donna Haraway, icona su tavola, tempera e foglia oro, 100 x 60 x 3 cm
Who are these ten women?
Simone de Beauvoir, Simone Weil, Edith Stein, Carla Lonzi, Hannah Arendt, Judith Butler, Angela Davis, Donna Haraway, Rosa Luxemburg Naomi Klein
Why depict philosophers?
The artist has chosen philosophy as the noblest of mankind’s disciplines, the attempt to arrive at ontological truth with the fragility of human thought. Philosophy, the capacity for abstraction to search for meaning, for a reason, has made man what he is and no longer an animal.
And perhaps Art does not have the same task and the same elusive and sometimes unattainable goals?
Edith Stain, icona su tavola, tempera e foglia oro, 100 x 60 x 3 cm
Hannah Arendt, icona su tavola, tempera e foglia oro, 100 x 60 x 3 cm
Judith Butler, icona su tavola, tempera e foglia oro, 100 x 60 x 3 cm
Naomi Klein, icona su tavola, tempera e foglia oro, 100 x 60 x 3 cm
Rosa Luxenburgh, icona su tavola, tempera e foglia oro, 100 x 60 x 3 cm
Simone de Beavoir, icona su tavola, tempera e foglia oro, 100 x 60 x 3 cm
Simon Weil, icona su tavola, tempera e foglia oro, 100 x 60 x 3 cm